INDC • if you can't beat them join them | |
जिससे: wherewithal so whereby | |
जीतना: winning subjugation gagner achieve get get the | |
सम्भव: likely practicable possible | |
नहीं: nil other than nope neither not no nay No nowhere | |
उसके: her HIS hers | |
साथ: friendship society accompaniment company | |
हो: hallo as required under the rules in the | |
हो जाना: becoming treble devenir entail become be in | |
जाना: outgo flit betake going aller obtenir go away | |
चाहिये: had better wanted | |
जिससे जीतना सम्भव नहीं उसके साथ हो जाना चाहिये अंग्रेज़ी में
[ jisase jitana sambhav nahim usake sath ho jana cahiye ]